Few facts about Zagorje Region:

Distance between Maya Yoga House and:

Tuhelj Thermal Spa - 2 km
Tuhelj Thermal Spa

Located at the very spring of thermal waters and healing mud, it is the biggest wellness and sport centre in Croatia.

Olimia Thermal - 30 km
Olimia Thermal

Best wellness centre in Slovenia.

Zagreb - 45 km

Capital city of Croatia.

Maribor - 70 km

European capital of culture 2012.

Veliki Tabor - 10 km
Veliki Tabor

A monument of the cultural heritage of the highest degree under the protection of UNESCO.

Castle Trakoscan - 30 km
Castle Trakoscan

The most beautiful and visited castle in Croatia.

Kumrovec - 6 km

Old village, a unique ethno museum in the open air .

Vuglec Breg - 8 km

12 hectars of beautiful nature, stunning sights and rural turism on offer.